Contact Us
We are here to help!
If you wish to share your comments and suggestions about our website, wish to share a product testimonial, want further information on any of our products and services, or are having problems with ordering, or with our website in general, we will be pleased to hear from you.
Please contact us initially at the following email address:
Please also have a look at our Customer Support page for information on shipping, guarantees, methods of payment, and our return policy.
If you wish us to call you please include your phone number and a good time to call in your message. Please also let us know what time zone you are in.
We are located in Longmont, Colorado. If you wish to contact us by mail please send an email request and we will let you have our mailing address.
If you wish to return a product our return address will be on the packaging, and/or on your receipt.
Office Hours: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday (US Mountain Time Zone – GMT minus 7 hours).
Every effort will be made to reply to your inquiry by email or phone within 24 hours of its receipt.
Reciprocal Links: The Center For The Future welcomes and will consider any reciprocal links with websites complimentary with this one. Please send your requests to Andrew Wheeler or Doe Kelly at the above email address. Your website must have an obvious “Links” page, and your list of links must not be overly long. We request that you include The Center For The Future on your links page prior to sending us your request. Only personal requests will be considered.
Thank you,
Andrew and Doe.
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