The Quantum Pulse
by VIBE Technologies
Improve the quality of your life by bringing your vibrational level back to its natural state of being!
We offer sessions with our Quantum Pulse machine for our clients in the Longmont / Boulder area of Colorado, USA.
What is the Quantum Pulse?
The Quantum Pulse, an upgrade to the original VIBE Machine, transmits energy at the frequency of healthy cells. Our cells respond to this healthy frequency just like one tuning fork will resonate or begin vibrating to the tone of another of the same frequency. This vibrational entrainment, as it is known, supports the body’s natural healing process.
How does the Quantum Pulse work?
The Quantum Pulse is based on proven technologies and theories pioneered by scientists like George Lakhovsky, Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, and Dr. Robert Becker, to name a few. The Quantum Pulse uses a multi-wave oscillator and spectrum tubes containing noble and other gases to create frequencies that fall between the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum range. It also uses a Tesla coil to create high voltage and a subtle electromagnetic field. This combination produces frequencies that have been found to be very beneficial to the body and are often referred to as “biophotonic light.” The electromagnetic field is used as a carrier to transmit these frequencies in a radius of approximately 6-8 feet around the machine. The tuning capacitor that sits on top of the machine produces alpha waves, which are associated with relieving anxiety and depression and promoting relaxation and creativity.
How is the Quantum Pulse used?
One sits about three feet from the machine for just a few minutes per session.
How can I experience the Quantum Pulse?
If you live in the Longmont / Boulder area of Colorado, you can book one or more sessions with our Quantum Pulse:
For the first session, we charge $25 (If two or more people come on the first session, it is $20 per person.)
For subsequent sessions, if you come by yourself, it is $20.
For groups of two or more, we charge $15 per person for subsequent sessions.
The above rates apply to sessions of up to 15 minutes duration only. (Please speak to us about cost if your time need is greater than 15 minutes.)
We also have the following discounted rates for those who wish to come on a regular basis:
4 prepaid sessions – $60 (must be used within 30 days of purchase)
12 prepaid sessions – $150 (must be used within 90 days of purchase)
24 prepaid sessions – $300 (must be used within 90 days of purchase)
All prepaid packages are non-refundable but are transferable (and shareable among family and friends).
Our opening times are 9:30 am – 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
How can I find out more?
If you live in the Longmont / Boulder area of Colorado, please initially get in touch by sending us an email. If you wish to speak with us on the phone please include your phone number and a convenient time to call in your email and we will call you back. We will be able to answer any questions you may have either way.
Our hours of business for the Quantum Pulse are Monday to Saturday, 10:30 AM to 8:30 PM with the last appointment of the day starting at 8:00 PM.
Before contacting us to make an appointment we would advise that you read our short disclaimer.
Prior to using our Quantum Pulse, you will also be asked to read and sign our hard copy disclaimer and complete a short questionnaire. We will send these to you via email attachment for you to print, complete, and bring with you on your first visit.
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